1. When you leave the office, you will be biting on some gauze. Please continue to bite with firm pressure. Once you are home, remove the gauze and place another packing in the extraction site. Fold gauze into a pillow and place over extraction site. Bite down with firm pressure and continue to monitor and change gauze as necessary.

2. If a prescription medication was given after your procedure, take as directed before the anesthetic wears off. This is a more effective way of using the medication than to wait until discomfort has started.

3. Avoid smoking, alcohol, and carbonated beverages for at least 24 hours. Spitting or sucking through a straw should also be avoided to prevent the dislodging of the clot. This can cause a dry socket which is very painful. Please eat soft foods the day of the surgery and avoid foods such as peanuts, popcorn, or rice for a couple of weeks until the extraction site has healed over.

4. Do not brush your teeth the day of the surgery. After 24 hours, you can brush and floss like normal (carefully around the extraction site) followed by rinsing gently with a warm salt water rinse (1 teaspoon salt to 6-8 oz of water). This will cleanse the extraction site. Continue to do so 3-4 times per day for approximately 1 week.

5. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call the off at (816) 281-5450.

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